e friends play and new it was something I would love to play.
After University and noticing the YuGiOH game I used to know and love had changed way to much for me to want to keep up with it I was in a low of not really doing anything. I was shopping in Peterborough with the misses and walked pasted there Games Workshop and decided to pop in. Best decision ever. The guy was a good sells man was well to be fair but he gave me a taster game and then sold me the marine codexs and the Assault on Black Reach starter kit. That started a massive spiral of events, managed to find some local people who play, it was in a guys roof but as a group we decided to find somewhere better to play and now have our own club called MAD Wargames, of which I am proud to be a member of.
So what games do I play and collect now?

As for other games, I collect Ogres for Warhammer Fantasy but been holding off on them for a little while now as changes seem to be coming for that gaming system. I also collect the Hero's for the Batman Miniatures game buy Knight Models, fun system to play but only just started playing that with two games under my belt. I also play Star Trek Attack Wing with a Nick (The Burning Eye) from the club, I collect The Federation and Romulans. Lastly the TCG world hasn't completely left me as I also play Magic the Gathering (which I started whilst at university). There is a few other that crop up (Bloodbowl, Distopian Wars) but not played often enough to really mention at the moment.
So why have I started a blog?
Well I am taking part in a tale of gamers, with some guys from the MAD Wargames club. Now my motivation for painting especially is low, I'm not the best painter in the world so after talking with Nick from the The Burning Eye I decided that bloging is something I would like to do to try and keep my motivation high for all hobbies and all parts of 40k. Main things I will be wanting to talk about in this blog will be, battle reports, the tale progress and hobby rumours, as well as talking about other gaming systems and what's happening in them (say Batman Miniatures or MTG)
I hope this wasn't too crazy for a first post and I would like to thank Nick from the The Burning Eye for mentioning me on his Blog as well as putting me on there for people to see.
I will speck to you all soon with an introduction to my Chaos Space Marines army and the plan for the tale.
Into the fires of battle!
Unto the anvil of war!
Nice to see you up on here mate - I'll expect full reports of whatever nasty cheesy lists you've stolen from me at regular intervals, hehe!